Find out more about me and my skills

Image of myself, Claire McIntosh

A bit about me

I grew up in a small town just outside of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and it was at school when I designed and built my first website and I have loved doing it ever since. I love being creative and coding my designs to bring them to life. In 2007 I studied at Newcastle College and achieved a Foundation Degree in Web Design and Development and then in 2010 I achieved a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Creative Practice. After my degree I worked contract at various agencies in Newcastle.

In 2013 I decided to make the big move down south to London to further my career and my passion for web design and front-end development. I had the great opportunity to design many websites, emails and banners for Encore Tickets (2013-2014) and Caspian Media (2014-2016).

Then, in 2016 my love for coding took over and since then I have been working as a front-end developer for RAPP. While working for RAPP I have had the opportunity to work for on various projects from building Emails and Landing Pages to Single Page Applications.

Outside of work I love spending time with my son. I love taking him to different places and teaching him the ways of the world. He is such an amazing little boy, and he is so full of energy, so he keeps me very busy!

I also have a love and passion for playing netball for a local team where I play goal shooter. I also love watching all the teams play in the vitality netball super league and supporting the England Roses netball team. Go Roses! 🌹

My skills

Web & UI design

Things I like to design:

Websites, UI, UX, Apps, Logos, Business Cards

Design tools:

  • Sketch
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Balsamiq / Lucid Chart
  • Prototyping with Marvel
  • Font awesome
  • Web flow

Front End Development

My programming skills:

HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, Ember, Handlebars

Dev tools:

  • Bootstrap
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Github Desktop / Bitbucket
  • Litmus
  • Campaign Monitor

Where I've worked


Front End Developer
July 2016 - Present

Caspian Media

Web Designer
Dec 2014 - July 2016

Encore Tickets

Digital Designer
May 2013 - Dec 2014

Team Valley Web

Web Designer
Feb 2012 - Feb 2013

Get in touch, I'd love to hear from you!