Virgin Altantic

The brief

While working for RAPP (July 2016 - present) I was tasked with designing and developing responsive email templates for Virgin Atlantic.

Virgin Atlantic wanted 2 new email designs, one for a credit card and another for a general notification email that would be sent to customers. They wanted the emails to have a fresh modern look that followed their brand guidelines.

I produced low fidelity wireframes to show the what the layout would be and what contents blocks they could have in each email. I then followed their brand guidelines and brought the wireframes to life to produce the final designs.

After the designs were approved, I then built the responsive emails using HTML and CSS. I then tested the email in Litmus in a wide range of email clients and devices for both mobile and desktop. If any bugs were present in the Litmus test, I would then fix them and retest. The goal was to ensure both emails worked in as many email clients and devices as possible.

Skills used
  • Wire frames
  • Sketch
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Testing in Litmus
  • Debugging
  • Email client support
Notify email design
Credit Card email design

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